BSNBCS is a K-9 Free Public Charter School in the heart of Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Our K-8 location is in Bedford Stuyvesant 82 Lewis Avenue between Willoughby Ave and Hart St. We were approved by the New York State Board of Regents to operate a high school and the Class of 2028 will begin its Freshman journey in Fall of 2024, allowing us to eventually grow into a K-12 program.
Our high school location is 217 N 10th Street, two miles from our Elementary and Middle School campus.
We welcome you to our website. Learn more about our program, which ensures high academic outcomes with social and emotional support for all its students. We look forward to connecting with you and your child!
Each one of our programs has its own building. This means we are not colocated with other schools, everyone in our space is part of our school.
We take a PBIS Approach to emotional and academic development. This means that we leverage what students are doing well, to help them do better.
We have small group interventions for all grade levels, Saturday School and Free Academic Tutoring during holiday breaks.
We offer free & affordable after school programming ONSITE until 6pm
Uniform Reminder/Recordatorio de uniforme
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School Calendar/Calendario escolar
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School Supplies List/Lista de utiles escolar
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